Discovering Architecture
Children’s non-fiction book
Illustration: Eduard Altarriba Bigas
Text: Berta Martí i Milà
An original idea by Alababalà
Throughout history humans have created shelters and places to protect themselves from bad weather and to keep safe from predators. Our early ancestors made their shelters with anything they had to hand, such as branches, leaves or animal skins.
Over time, simple shelters evolved into homes, which became an important part of the culture of different groups of people scattered across the world.
The design – or architecture – of settlements was something that went beyond being just a home for a family and started to serve the group as a whole. The way we look at architecture today is the result of the work of architects who have built houses, temples, castles, skyscrapers and palaces in the past.
Nowadays, architects can learn from the past while creating new ideas and ways of thinking that help us to understand the world and transform it into a better, more habitable place.